Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare my last duchess and Porhyrias lover considering...

Compare my last duchess and Porhyrias lover considering in particular how the 2 central characters are presented. Both poems, My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover have similarities and differences. This can be seen in the two central characters, content and language. In My Last Duchess the duke, a rich upper class man, is talking to a messenger of a count whose daughter he wishes to marry. This poem begins in front of his last Duchess painting which is on the wall in the Dukes home. Throughout the poem, we discover the characteristics of the Duke and learn about the murder of the Duchess. Porphyrias Lover however begins in the lovers cottage. The poem describes a night they spent together and the murder of†¦show more content†¦This can be seen in, some-how I know not how as if she ranked/ My gift of a nine-hundred-year old name/ With anybodys gift. The Duke feels that the Duchess valued his gift the same as she received others. He, in fact, ranked his nine-hundred year-old name, his nobility and especially status above everything. Therefore he felt, his gift could not be bettered by anyone. This quote also suggests that the Duke was proud about his status. The Duke is obsessively possessive. This can be seen in Thats my Last Duchess painted on the wall. This quote shows how the Duke regarded the Duchess as one of objects. Also within this quote, the possessive pronoun my is used. This highlights his possessive qualities. Later on in the poem, we see that he treats every woman in such a manner. This can be seen in Though his fair daughters self, as I avowed/ At starting, is my object. He describes the Counts daughter as being an item. This also shows that the Duke was after the money he was going to receive as dowry after he married the Counts daughter. Therefore we can see that the Duke was greedy and powerful. All of these characteristics of the Duke, especially his power, might suggest that the Duke was involved in the murder of the Duchess. This is evident in I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together. This quote might suggest that the Duke gave commands to kill the Duchess because of her flirtatious nature. This is because the smiles which

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